simple, easy, and discreet.
You don’t need to wear metal brackets and wires anymore to change your smile! Invisalign is the modern alternative to braces. It is an easy way to create a beautiful smile and improve your confidence without any invasive procedures. There are many benefits to straightening your teeth and correcting your bite.
Virtually invisible. They look completely natural!
Easy to clean! The aligners are removable.
Comfortable alternative to metal braces.
No need for goopy impression! We use state-of-the-art digital technology to scan your teeth.
signs and symptoms
chipped teeth
Chipped or fractured teeth are a typical sign of malocclusion or misaligned teeth. Chipping and wear can be seen throughout the mouth but generally this is most apparent on the front teeth. Malocclusion can also lead to fracturing of existing dental work. Protect your healthy teeth!
Crowding is easy to spot on the lower front teeth and can lead to a number of different risks. Crowded teeth are much harder for you and a hygienist to properly clean which increases plaque accumulation and causes harder deposits of tartar and calculus to build up.
gum inflammation
Inflammation in the gums or gingiva around a tooth can occur if teeth are too crowded and routine hygiene is difficult. Minor inflammation if not recognized and treated properly can progress to bone loss or periodontal disease. Also deeper pocketing, bleeding, and increased risk for cavities!
Recession is a process that happens when the gum tissue pulls away from your teeth and exposes the root structure underneath. This is typically seen in teeth with traumatic bites, improper tooth inclination, and poor position in the underlying alveolar bone. The exposed root structure can cause tooth sensitivity. A proper bite evaluation helpful to spot these areas when a traumatic bite is present.
Abfractions are the notching of tooth structure at the gumline. These are typically seen in traumatic bites on teeth with improper tooth inclination. They are a strong indicator that there are heavy oblique forces on the tooth that are causing the tooth to chip and damage the tooth structure near the gumline. These things can lead to increased sensitivity throughout your mouth if your bite continues to be misaligned.
constricted arch
A constricted arch or a narrowed dental arch can contribute to sleep apnea. Overall mouth volume is reduced and tongue space in the palate is limited. This also adversely impacts the nasal passages and can cause you to be more of a mouth breather. A broad and wide arch form is recommended for your overall health. A comprehensive evaluation is recommended